Thursday, January 12, 2012

To my dear readers

I looked at the calendar the other day and realized, "holy cow, it's 2012!  I started this blog because of an event that happened on New Year's Eve last's been a year!"  Then I remembered that I didn't actually start the blog until March of last year, but still, this thing has been in process longer than I ever anticipated.  Mostly I thought I would get bored and let it fall to the wayside, but as time has progressed, I've found that this blog is a really nice release.

There are plenty of things on this blog that I'm not particularly proud of, but it's nice to get them out in the open.  It's nice to have a place to rant about frustrations I have with guys, with dating, with marriage (and my inability to find it.)  I don't want to be the roommate that's constantly complaining about all her boy problems and whatever, so it's just nice to have this.  As my college career continues on, I plan to keep it up and I plan to really commit to writing more about individual dates, my opinion on the way dating should be, and Temple marriage, and less about my insecurities (we'll see how long that one lasts...) but most of all, less about Tyson.  As of recently, I've found myself going back to his facebook to stalk him and rekindle that hatred.  It's unhealthy and I need to quit.  I need to quit Tyson, and everything about him, cold turkey.  I'm committing to doing that right now.  No more.

Now that I've made my commitments public to you, I ask you to commit something to me: leave a comment!  I know I have people who follow the blog (thank you, Google Analytics!) somewhat regularly.  Yes, I can see that you're coming back and reading my posts, Utah.  It's great, I love it.  I like knowing that I'm not just putting these words out into the abyss of internet to be read by no one but myself.

However, it would be reassuring and pleasant to hear a little bit of feed back.  For example, do you think I'm wasting my time with Wade?  I want to think that I'm not, but sometimes I'm not sure.

So yeah, I'll continue to post (not about Tyson) and you'll comment.  Deal?  Deal.

Edit::  Really guys?  This makes me sad.  Help a sista out!


  1. Ok, if nobody else will go first I will.

    1. You're a good writer. Keep it up. There's been way to many blogs that have died after 2 posts. And no skimping on juicy details either!

    2. Forget Wade. You're in love with him, I get it. But why? What's he done to earn it? It doesn't seem like he's willing to do anything at all on his end. He's not willing do go up to see you. He doesn't initiate conversations. You deserve better.

    3. Go watch Stardust.

    4. Find a guy like that. They're out there.

    1. Holy cow, you made my day. You have NO idea how stoked out of my mind I was to see that I had a comment. Hurray!

      p.s. Stardust is one of my favorite movies. I'll definitely watch it tonight after FHE. :]

  2. Your blog is great! My whole apartment reads it. keep it up :)
