Meet The Author: Who IS Leslie?

A little bit about me...

Who am I?
I'm Leslie.  I'm twenty five, I live in Provo, I graduated from BYU-Idaho.  I found a job that I love, I work 40 hours a week, I read books on my days off. I bought myself a car and I love blasting Lorde while driving around town.  I love listening to dubstep while I clean, but folk pop while I cook.  Of Monsters and Men is a current favorite. So is Ellie Goulding.  I read for enjoyment. I almost always go to bed early. I'm addicted to twitter.  I'm facebook friends with my bishop because he's so rad.

Why do I write this blog?
I started this blog back in 2011 when I was regularly meeting up with an ex-boyfriend to makeout.  I felt pretty promiscuous for doing it and it was fun while it lasted.  I don't do that anymore.  The blog has become a way for me to vent my frustrations with dating, a way for me to get out a lot of what's kicking around in my head so I don't collapse under the pressure of thinking too much.  This blog is my release. Also, it allows me to write, which I love to do.

Is this blog fact or fiction?
I'll be honest, sometimes I embellish stories.  Sometimes I leave out certain details.  I change the names, sometimes the days, and regularly the places.  But for the most part, the events are true. This is my life.

Do you have a question about Rexburg? Or dating? Or anything?
You can email me at
Or reach me through my twitter account. @MormonSkank
I love to hear from you!

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