Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Ben Report

Ben showed up around noon, thankfully (or not..?) by then I had finished an essay I had due tonight and, of course, didn't start until 10am this morning.  Am I an essay writing machine?  Perhaps.  No wait, I definitely am.  A humble one, though.  Anyway. . .

I honestly had no idea what to do with him.  I felt awkward and tired and, quiet frankly, bored to tears with the conversation.  I killed some time showing him around campus, puffing my chest up with pride over the I Center (have I ever mentioned that I love that building?) and beamed when he gushed over how lavish the Crossroads is.  From there we went out to lunch with some friends.  We wanted to go to Ying Yang (you know, the chinese place over by Domino's and that new candy shop) but they were closed for lunch, so we headed to Costa Vida.  Were you there today?  We may have seem each other and not even realized it.

After lunch was when things got way weird, since I wanted to take a nap or watch a movie or do something leisurely.  But we didn't, we just sat on my couch, sort of shot the breeze, and played games on our cell phones.  I escaped to my room a few times and vented to roommates that I just wanted him to leave.

But seriously, who invites themselves to visit for an entire day when you haven't even talked more than a word or two in the past six months?  It doesn't make sense.  I was so furious.  There went sleeping in and watching the Bachelor (don't judge me; it's a guilty pleasure.)

We rounded the day off with some sledding at the dunes and a movie on TV.  Then, instead of staying for the night, he decided to head home around 9pm.  What a relief.

His intentions were to get out of Provo for a day or two, but I'm positive he wouldn't have minded if I had gotten all up in his personal space.  The dude is older and ready for a wife, but makeouts are still okay by him.  The closest we got, though, was sitting in the backseat together.  No worries, he won't be comin' around any time soon.

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