Sunday, April 21, 2013

Eating My Words

Remember when I said I didn't want to date this semester? Yeah, we'll see how long that lasts. Spring has been very kind to my ward. Very, very kind.

I was sitting in Sunday school, listening to everyone introduce themselves, because no one had a lesson planned so the Bishop decided it would be Get-To-Know-The-Ward-Hour, when I spotted him. A pair of tan pants amidst black and gray. That chin is the manliest thing I have laid eyes on in quite some time and trust me, I've seen some very manly things lately. It was as though God himself reached out and carved this man's face out of pure testosterone. My ovaries flopped at the sight. When it came around to this fellow's turn to introduce himself instead of saying, "Hi, my name is John, I'm from Rigby and I like to play sports" like every other guy in the ward (just kidding, they're all from California) he said, "My name is Liam. I'm from Portland, Oregon and I like having short hair." Awesome. Not douchebaggy, but clever. Not waving around his sport or musical abilities, simply stating that he likes having short hair. And DANG, his short hair looks great. It accentuates his manliness quite nicely.

There was a moment in sacrament meeting when I was being sustained (RS Prez. They finally got me) when he turned around and we locked eyes for a split second and I just wanted to shout, "DIBS! I CALL DIBS ON LIAM AND HIS CHIN!" But I didn't. Instead I raised my hand to the square and sustained myself, then quietly took my seat, gazing at the back of his short haired head.

The breakthrough moment came after church was over I was sitting outside the bishop's office waiting to be set apart. I sat on one side of the hall with a couple of my roommates and Liam sat directly across from me next to another guy in the ward who, by the way, is hilarious and handsome. The two of them started talking, gesturing at me a few times, which was a little confusing until I figured out that the funny guy was explaining my claddagh  ring to Liam. I helped him explain it, taking the ring off to let Liam examine it. +1 for sneakily telling Liam that I am completely available without being all awkward, "I don't have a boyfriend, so...Let's make out!" After that little conversation, the door was completely open for getting to know each other. We all talked about where we're from and I told the boys that I love cooking. They pretty much invited themselves over, which is okay with me. After all the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, right?

During our conversation I discovered that Liam is roommates with Isaac, which is completely random. They've known each other for a long time seeing as they used to play in the same band. I have attended concerts where both of them played together and somehow I failed to notice the godliness that is Liam because I was too goo-goo eyed over Isaac's adorable face. The timing wasn't right. But now that they're roommates... I sent Isaac a text saying, "Your new roommate Liam. Dibs." Isaac's response: "Do it!" Oh yes, I think I will. Well, maybe I won't try for it, but I'll at least put myself out there and flirt with him. I went over to their apartment this afternoon to bring something to Isaac and while he and I were talking about our breaks Liam occasionally chimed in. Dude, on top of a great exterior, Liam has a lot of things going for him. He's funny! And his voice is deliciously deep, like rich purple velvet. I want to wrap up in it.

Liam. I want that mouth on my mouth.

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