Monday, April 1, 2013

Don't Wake Me From This Dream

For those of you who don't follow my twitter account you don't know that last night I got a most unexpected phone call. Kirk called. He said he made a big mistake. He misses me. He got scared ad bolted. He didn't know how to explain what he felt, but he wanted a chance to explain it now that he'd had some time to think about it and process it and get his ducks in a row.

Today I decided to wing it and go out to lunch with him just to hear him out and boy was I in for a surprise. He picked me up at the round about by the MC, getting out of the car with a giant boquet of red roses. Now, I haven't gotten flowers from a guy in quite some time. My eyes nearly bugged out of my head, my mouth was hanging open, and my heart was racing a million miles a minute. All that was going through my head was, "WTF IS GOING ON HERE?" He smiled and handed me the roses, telling me they were for me. He hugged me awkwardly, because hugging with two dozen roses in your arms is difficult. He opened the car door, helped me in, and then we were off to get something to eat, or so I thought. Instead of taking me out to Costa Vida, which was the plan we made last night, he drove me to Smith Park.

Kirk had packed a picnic lunch and brought a blanket. We sat in the beautiful sunshine and ate and talked. Some of it was a littl heated, considering how upset I have been with his treatement of me and he kept saying how sorry he was, how he never meant to hurt me. It was all such a blur, I can't even remember the specifics from our conversation.

Then he told me to stand up. I was confused, mind full of all of his apologies, heart tired from this rollercoaster and he ws demanding I stand up. I stood up and all of the sudden Kirk was on one knee in front of me, reaching out for my hand. My heart jumped up into my throat and somehow I managed to say, "Kirk, what are you doing?" The next thing I knew, he was pulling out a little blue box, opening it. "Leslie," he said, "Leslie, I know I've hurt you. I know I've done stupid things, I've been an idiot. I can't tell you how sorry I am, I can't take it back. I'm in love with you. Marry me, Leslie."

You guys.
I'm engaged!

Edit::  Here's the ring! Don't mind my shoddy nail polish.


  1. Yeah if this is for real, you should have at least waited until April 2nd.

  2. Leslie. If this is for real, RUN. Don't walk. Don't power walk. Don't jog. RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN.

  3. Ok, well played. Well played. But did he really ask you out? Have you really heard from him. Way curious about what went down.
