Wednesday, April 3, 2013

A Tiny Flame

Here's the post where I say DON'T YOU DARE JUDGE ME.

I have an iPhone.
I downloaded the Tinder when it first started getting really popular.
I sometimes get on it for an ego boost, even though it's so shallow and frivolous.
The ONLY people I've instigated conversation with on Tinder have been guys I already know and it's been purely to make fun of the app. That doesn't mean guys haven't messaged me, though.

One guy in particular has been really persistent. Tim started out just messaging me asking simple questions but then he got progressively more flirty. Tinder tells you what friends you have in common on facebook and one of our mutual friends was Sammie, so I inquired. "Oooh, watch out for him," She told me, "He's the kind of guy who takes you on one date and then thinks you're soulmates." For this reason alone I made him wait weeks before getting my phone number.

I'm such a wimp, you guys. I have a really hard time saying no and shutting guys down, even when I'm not interested. I mean, with Sam I've had to give him the complete cold shoulder in order to get him to get the picture that I don't want to date him. Tim was persistent in asking me out on a date, even when I was wildly busy two weeks in a row. I was legitimately busy, not made up excuses busy. Finally when I was free, he didn't even wait until the weekend. No, he arranged for a Tuesday night date.

I was a little nervous. Sammie had adequately scared me into thinking that Tim was weird and overbearing. From our conversations I got that he was surprisingly confident and a little cocky, but I wasn't completely put off. However, he's one of those guys that asks really bold questions (IE: Are you interested in me? Can i send you shirtless pictures?) and that's a little off putting, especially when you haven't actually met me. C'mon, bro. Have some class. I had class going on this date. I dressed it up with a cute spring skirt and cardigan duo, paired with some cute high heels. Maybe it's just because I had a ton of time that day to get ready, but dang I looked good.

When he knocked on the door I opened it and immediately regretted my decision to wear high heels. I towered over Tim. Like, a good four inches taller than him. Normally with friends who come to me complaining about guys being shorter than them I'd say, "It's not a huge deal, especially because I was wearing 2.5 inch heels. That's not a big height difference" but I'm 5'2. Even without my high heels on I would be taller than Tim. TALLER THAN HIM AT FIVE FOOT TWO. That's a short dude.

"Maybe it'll be really fun and it won't matter!" I thought. Truthfully, the date itself wasn't bad. We had a lot of fun and the conversation wasn't bad. Tim is definitely less awkward in person than he is over text messaging. For the he was a gentleman, but I think he wasn't expecting to open my car door when we arrived at the resturaunt. I just sat there and waited for him to get out of the car. I'm a traditionalist; I want doors opened for me. Eventually he got it and he opened the door for me. Thanks, Tim. What a champ.

Overall the date was unremarkable. Neither stellar nor terrible. I just couldn't get over how short he was! I knew I wouldn't go on a second date. Sorry, but I can't date a guy who's shorter than me. Too short, man. Too short.

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