Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Have you seen the episode of How I Met Your Mother where Lily has a sex dream about Ranjit the cab driver? Her face turns a shade of red called vermilion when she sees him and Marshall gets ridiculously jealous. It's a funny episode.

Lily sees Ranjit and Marshall realizes the sex dream was about him

Vermilion Red

It's funny that I watched this episode just yesterday because I had a dream the other night in which I kissed Liam and I kissed Liam good. It was an end of the world apocalypse dream where we were thrust into the world of the TV show Falling Skies, which I've never actually watched, I just know it's about an alien invasion. There were aliens everywhere and the mansion we were at was under attack. Liam and I knew it was the end of the world, so we grabbed each other and kissed. A lot. It was pretty epic. Like, aliens being shot, cars exploding, helicopters with machine gun wielding soldiers flying by epic.

Sort of like this

What does this dream have to do with Lily and Ranjit and vermilion? Well, after having this dream I couldn't stop thinking about Liam and his awesome jawline and those fantastic lips and the way I dreamt they felt. I've had dreams about kissing someone before, but not one that has lingered like this. Just thinking about it I feel my cheeks get a little red, sort of like Lily's face in that episode. When did my face really turn vermilion? When I ran into Liam on campus today. I was walking home and he was walking out of the library. I said hi, but quickly excused myself because of the flush I felt creeping up in my cheeks. 

Now, I'm sure it's not as intense as having a sex dream about someone, but it's kind of the single Mormon equivalent. 

In short, it was an awesome dream. 

Also, does anyone remember Garrison from last Summer?

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