Saturday, May 11, 2013

Let Me Down Easy

I ran into a dilemma a couple days ago.

Bryan and I have had this ongoing text conversation that, let's be honest, hasn't really been going anywhere. I've been feeling particularly bold (still blaming this on the constant state of Spring Fever I've been in) so I've been laying on the flirting pretty thick. I don't even sound like myself.

"Your apartment is full of such handsome guys. ;)"
"I really admire your determination. The world could use more good men."
"Let's watch a movie this weekend! ;)"
"Did you know you're a rare type of guy?"
"Tell me everything about you! You're sooooooOOOooOOooOOooOOo interesting! ;) ;) ;)"

I didn't really say all those things, but it's that kind of silly flirting that I've been doing. Okay, maybe I did say some of those things... The guy would have to be a complete moron to not catch onto the fact that I'm diggin' him like a grave robber.

I kept asking friends for advice on what to do. Part of me wanted to tell him directly that I like him and throw the ball in his court, but another part of me was petrified of rejection and messing up the good friendship Bryan and I have been building. One friend told me to, essentially, nut up and say, "I've gotten to like you and I would like to go on a date and get to know you better if you're interested." NO WAY, JOSE. I do not want to ask Bryan out on a date. I want to tell him that I like him and then let him decide. I've already explained that I don't want to be that kind of girl. Sometimes I wish I were, but I really just can't bring myself to ask a guy out like that. It feels too unorthodox and weird.

Another friend told me to just wait and see. Really, I'm just impatient. If I'm going to like someone during my last semester, I don't want to waste half of the semester just waiting for something to happen. I want to cuddle and make out, dang it! Get that mouth on my mouth.

Turns out, however, that I didn't have to wait long nor take any action. We were texting one morning and he sent me this. . .

Honestly I have to say that this was really good. Not only did Bryan approach the situation tactfully, but he was kind about it and he let me down pretty easy. I'm not even feeling upset at all. I'm mostly relieved that a. He picked up on the thick layer of flirting b. He isn't crushing on the girl in my ward that I thought he might be c. I'm not going to be wasting any more time. Overall, I wish more guys were direct like this. 

That was my response. I figured I'd put it out there that I am into him. You know, just in case things with this girl back home falls through. Even if I'm not going to be wasting my time by chasing him, I'm still going to flirt a bit (not too much) and continue a friendship. I wouldn't be opposed to a late blossoming relationship with Bryan. 

Whatevs, it's Springtime. Life is good!

2AM Club sings my Summer jams.


  1. Your video plays on your page! :) Cool song. I'm sorry about your crush, but I think your text back was perfect. You're handling the situation beautifully. :)

  2. So you're okay with being the back-up plan?

    I'll reiterate what i wrote in my last comment, though slightly modified: Mormon men suck at most things dating and relationships; however, don't let their half-assedness be an excuse for not getting what you want. (Although if all you want is affection...)
