Tuesday, May 7, 2013


I may or may not have celebrated my birthday recently.

Instead of planning my normal themed birthday party, I decided that being as old as I am now, I might want to calm the partying down a bit, so I invited some friends out to dinner. I decided to go out on a limb and invite Liam and Bryan. It can't hurt to invite them to group things, right? Besides, I had already invited most of their apartment. I didn't want to be rude.

Turns out this was the best move I could have made. Liam didn't attend. He didn't tell me he wasn't going to come. Liam? He ain't worth it. All of that beautiful, seductive, entrancing masculinity going to waste. What a pity.

What wasn't a waste? Bryan. Not only did he text me to make sure he knew what was going on, but he showed up and seemed really happy to be there. This guy is hilarious. The more time I spend with him, the more I realize how much more substance he has to his character than Liam does. Sure, Liam is nice to look at, but there's not much else to him. Bryan is a package deal: The looks, the personality, and a testimony. Hello, Waiter. I'll have this one. Check, please!

After going out to dinner and laughing nonstop we all returned to my apartment for cake and games. I'm not really sure how it happened, but somehow while we were in my kitchen Bryan decided it would be funny to wrap his arms around me and hold me so tight I couldn't move. Then, out of nowhere, he bit my shoulder. It hurt. What prompts someone to bite someones shoulder? Don't get me wrong, it was kind of hot in a weird way and I'm not complaining, it's just not something I can say I've either had done to me nor done to someone else. I don't understand that thought process. However, I really don't mind that Bryan proceeded to try and give me a hickie. Yes, that's correct, Bryan put his mouth on my neck and sucked for a good thirty seconds. Let's just say that the appalled look on my face was definitely for show. Inside I was melting. Best birthday? Quite possibly. A hickie never appeared because, according to Bryan, I have terminator skin that cannot be broken.

Bryan stayed over until almost midnight playing games and watching funny YouTube videos. It was glorious. I'm smitten. Spring Fever x1000.

This song is obnoxious and silly...but still kind of true.


  1. Bryan sucks at hickies. Most Mormon men do, actually.

    1. In his defense, he didn't try very hard. Also, there was an apartment full of people. Not really the place to give a real hickie...

      It was more goofing off than it was flirting, unfortunately.
