Sunday, August 25, 2013

Sunday Gems: A YSA Classic

Today was the first week after all the new people moved into the ward. First Sunday school lesson? Temple Marriage. Of course.

How is it that every time there's a new ward the lesson always ends up being on marriage or eternal families? Oh, I know! It's a conspiracy to get us all marriage and making babies.

But in reality, the lesson today was phenomenal. Instead of talking about dating and marriage and why we need to date more and get married, we talked about sealings and why it's such an important thing to do. It was a different approach to the temple marriage subject than I've ever experienced before and I feel like it was much more informative and interesting. 

Aside from Sunday school, it was a great first day with all the new people in the ward. I've already scoped out a couple of the guys I want to keep my eye on. This is going to be good. 

p.s. I've become "dating allies" with the guys behind the blog Dominating LDS Dating. Check them out!

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