Sunday, March 25, 2012

From one to another

If it's not obvious by now, I tend to develop crushes on different guys pretty quickly.  If I think that there's hope with one and that he kind of reciprocates some interest, I'll stick with it for awhile.  If not, I toss that useless crush aside and move onto the next pretty quickly.

I feel like this semester has consisted of one or two posts about a certain boy but then I'm onto someone else or I'm complaining about how dumb and confusing Wade is.  Where is the consistency?  Where is my sense of monogamy and commitment?  Probably somewhere in the unattainable realm that the boys who are worth it are hanging out in.  I feel a little bit defeated as far as crushes go.  I can't possibly be that rusty at the who flirt and date game, can I?  I used to have such game!  WHERE IS IT!

Alas, I digress.  My intent in writing this post was to introduce you to Nate, the formerly mentioned FHE brother.  I've spent way more time these past two weeks socializing with people who aren't my roommates/Isaac and his roommates.  I've made a good girlfriend who lives in my ward and we've had the time of our lives getting together with guys from the ward.  Most often it's my FHE brothers, but sometimes we mix others in there, too.

My initial crush within the ward was Will, but I've already told you that he's moving to Utah.  I've looked at Nate before and been attracted to him, but the more time I spend with him, the more and more I find myself thinking about him when we're not together.  He's entertaining, he's goofy, he's tall dark and handsome.  He's spiritual and respects the honor code.  He makes insightful comments during Sunday school and invites me to sit with him during sacrament meeting.

This past Saturday, on account of the gorgeous weather, we went to the park to play soccer.  I'm not a soccer player by any means, but when I'm in the mood, I'll get out there and kick the ball around a bit.  It was so much fun!  We weren't even playing very seriously, just having a good time running around in the sun.  After awhile, though, I got pretty winded, due to my asthma.  Nate had been goofing off and trying to get me to tackle him and steal the ball from him most of the time, but he came over to me and did this little tap on my stomach with the back of his hand and said, "Hey, you okay?"  It's hard to explain the gesture in a way that adequately captures the tenderness of it all.  I normally wouldn't like a guy to touch my stomach, but it was sweet and endearing.  It felt intimate and kind.

Then I kissed him.

Not really, but I wished I had.  Maybe someday.

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