Thursday, March 29, 2012


I woke up in the middle of the night with a cold sweat.

I had dreamed that Tyson added my mom on facebook and was commenting on all of her pictures.  He was talking about me and saying how great my mother is, that it would be nice to get to know her better, if only someone would drop the past and get over it.  I was furious.  In my dream, I spent nearly the entire time trying to think of some harsh, cutting remark to make back.  I couldn't believe that a) He would add my mom.  She hates him.  And b) that he would talk so openly about our situation, but not have the balls to talk to my face about it.

I woke up livid, teeth clenched, jaw sore.  It was a relief to realize that my mom doesn't even have a facebook and she would never ever add Tyson nor stand for him making comments about me.

That was the first time I'd thought of him in a while.

I don't hate him as much as I used to, in fact, I almost wish him happiness.  I think I was more upset at the fact that he was trying to be part of my life again, through one of the people I hold dearest.

On a happy note, I'll be seeing Nate tonight for a dinner with friends.  I also dreamed about him and his adorable smile.  :)

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