Saturday, February 2, 2013


There's something spectacular are sharing a moment with someone you don't know. It can happen in the grocery store, walking to class, or even while sitting at a redlight. You glance over and notice he's glancing at the same time. Your eyes lock and it becomes a standoff to see who breaks it first. Sometimes you smile, sometimes your cheeks start burning and your heart starts racing and you have to look away immediately. Whatever the circumstance, it's still a thrilling moment.

I was in the library the other day when I locked eyes with a guy sitting diagonal from me.  It was a standoff moment. I looked at him, he looked at me.  I started cracking a smile at him but then was overtaken by the heat creeping up in my face and I glanced away. I glanced back and he was still staring.  He smirked and mouthed, "Hey!" I'm pretty sure I did a double take yet again because this isn't the kind of thing that happens to me for real.  Sure, things happen to me, but it's usually some sort of misunderstanding or he's starting at the girl next to me or something else.  No, this guy was most definitely staring at me.

This is when I become a bumbling, nervous wreck.  There are times when I can hold my own and present myself as the most confident girl in the world, but other times all of that fails and I can't keep it together.  Before this guy caught my attention, I was in the zone. My productivity level was at an all time high and my homework was getting POUNDED. It was awesome.

But after Mr. Brighteyes fluttered his lashes at me?  Out the window, all of that amazing work ethic was gone.  I started texting Bethany asking her advice.  I have a pretty bad track record with feeling confident and giving out my number.  I don't know why I keep trying and thinking there's going to be a different outcome, but sometimes I feel reckless and like I need to live it up more. Giving out my number is my form of YOLO (which I despise, by the way) and I can't seem to stop doing it.  It's like Sailor Moon: When I was a teenager I didn't really like watching it, but I did anyway.  Only problem with leaving my number with Brighteyes was he wasn't there when I finally got the guts. I had been so absorbed in texting Bethany about what to do about this serendipitous moment that I missed it when he left.

If I see him in the library again, I'll talk to him.  Promise.

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