Sunday, February 24, 2013

His Hand

I still haven't heard from Kirk. I'm curious, I find myself wondering occasionally if he's going to come around and text me, but for the most part I don't think about him. For the most part, I've been happier this week than I have since Kirk kissed me. The week between kissing him and deciding to let him go was crucial.

I'm okay. I'm better off. Whoever it was who left the comment saying Kirk doesn't deserve me, thank you. You affirmed what I've been feeling. I deserve so much more than a mediocre relationship, and that's all Kirk is capable of providing because his own insecurities and worries hold him back. If I can't be important enough to pay attention to, there's no point in staying with him. I won't go back, no matter how appealing he may seem if he finally comes around and apologizes and asks for another shot.

I can't describe to you the love I have felt this week from my Heavenly Father. He knows me. He knows what I deserve. He knows what I can handle and what I can't. There are certain moments in my life that will stand out as being ones where I felt His unconditional love and this week was one of them. I've had many conversations with friends this week about the way The Lord helps you through trials an how He expresses His love. I am in awe at the revelation of His hand reaching down to lift me up and the way the Spirit encourages me.

Gospel is true, guys.

Happy Sabbath!

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