Saturday, January 12, 2013

Wanting What You Can't Have

So I'm kind of into this guy.  No, not Sam.  I had to give him the complete cold shoulder in orde for him to really get the hint that I don't want to date him.  This guy I'm into, who will remain nameless for the time being, is most definitely into someone else and it sucks.

My problem is that I'm a sucker for someone who can talk, someone who puts me at ease.  If a guy can successfully makes it easy for me to be comfortable just talking, it also makes it easy for me to want to talk to him more and eventually fall.  The opposite is true, too.  If a guy makes me feel uncomfortable talking or presses me for things I'm not ready to talk about (like in Sam's case) it causes me to back away, to shut him out, to lose interest.  Sam pushed me away, this other guy has drawn me in.

Maybe this is all just a little test for me to learn how to gain contol of my feelings and my actions.  If it is, I'm up for the challenge. I don't need to lose myself over what I feel for this guy.  It's only the beginning of the semester and, as we all know, so much can change over the course of a semester.  There is no need for me to put all my hope in one thing, waste energy chasing someone who is otherwise preoccupied.

We'll see what happened.

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