Saturday, January 26, 2013


Week three of the semester and I feel like my material for blogging has been pretty shoddy. Nothing has really been happening and every time I sit down to write something, it just doesn't seem to flow. This past week, however, I think I realized something and it made me want to write about it.

The semester is still fresh and young and I'm still finding my footing in my classes. I haven't quite figured things out nor have I established the friendships I'd like to have within the classroom, so I've been making an extra big effort to put myself out there and meet people. In one of my classes in particular there is a guy who is really funny and we've talked a few times. His name is Jordan, he's cute and a bit quirky and nerdy. By chance we got put in a group together and I was pretty stoked.

With our first group meeting, however, everything changed. We got together to work on this project and suddenly Jordan went from being funny and interesting to bossy and overbearing. That stoked feeling I was feeling? Yeah, it's gone. Now I'm dreading this assignment and realizing that you can't take everyone for face value. Get them in a different situation and you'll see that they're not as interesitng as you thought they were, you're better off without.

Booooo. What a disappointment. But have no fear! The semester is young.

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