Saturday, November 24, 2012

How Not To Breakup With Someone

If you're planning on ending things with that significant other, don't do it like this:

  • Over Text Message.  Breakups aren't the only thing that shouldn't be done over text, NOTHING serious ought to be done over text.  It's impersonal and, frankly, the cowards way out.  Don't ever ever EVER think of using text message to break up with someone or to talk about something important.
  • Over the phone.  This is just a step above texting.  Just don't do it.
  • On Facebook.  I shouldn't have to even explain this one.  It's a given.
  • Through a friend.  Again, cowards way out.
  • Using the excuse of "I prayed about it and it just doesn't feel right."  You may have prayed about it, but you don't need to lean on that.  Be upfront.  Tell the girl/guy that it's just not working out for you.  I know we're spiritual people, but sometimes those revelations don't need to be shared or explained.  Sometimes what people need to hear is that it's not going to work for YOU, no matter what the reason behind it.
  • By letting them down easy, leaving them with false hope.  Don't ever say, "It isn't going to work our now, maybe in the future."  If you want to break up for good, don't say, "Let's take a break." or  "I want to try dating some other people, but I still like you and want to date you."  Either you want to date that person or you don't.  Pick one, don't leave the other person in this "maybe someday" limbo.  You might think your intentions are clear, but they're not.
Be honest.  Be direct.  Don't beat around the bush.  Be gentle.  Be kind.  


  1. yeah. only the classiest guys use any of the above methods. better than text message/phone is the ever elusive Voicemail. A friend of mine got dumped on a voicemail with no explanation and when she called the guys mom picked up and said that he didn't want to talk her. Like I said. Classy.

  2. I had a girl break up over a phone call. Twice actually. Given they had both moved to the west coast so it couldn't really be any other way.
