Monday, July 9, 2012

Ya'll Rock part 2

There is no purpose for this post other than to express my appreciation for consistent readers.

Remember when I posted about reaching 2000 views?  Yeah, that was about a month and a half ago.  Well I'm now just shy of 3000 views.  I don't know if ya'll have been sharing my page or what, but this sky rocketing popularity is getting to my head.  I keep thinking to myself whenever I check my blog stats, "Dang, Leslie.  You're the freaking bomb!"

I never thought so many people would find my life interesting enough to read about consistently.  I wish I had chosen a different name for myself rather than The Mormon Skank.  Oh well, what's done is done.  Please continue to read my blog!  Feel free to leave comments, I try my best to respond to the ones I get.  I find your advice encouraging and enlightening.  Sometimes it gets hard to see things clearly when you're in a situation, so it's nice to have an outside perspective.

Fun fact about me:  My sweet tooth is through the roof.



  1. I'm totally with you on the sweet tooth! Stay strong, sister

  2. i love the way you write :)
