Sunday, July 22, 2012

End of the semester blues

There are great things about BYU-Idaho, but there are also downers.  One big downer is the track system.  I have a love/hate relationship with it.  I love that I don't HAVE to be in Idaho in the Winter, but I hate that only half the people I know will be here next semester.  I absolutely loathe clean checks and the fact that we have them the same time of finals.  Who planned that?  Why not have clean checks on the Monday and Tuesday following finals, giving us time to focus on our studies and then a whole weekend to clean and pack and prepare.

Why not?  Because that's just too much time.  We must have everything done by the Saturday after classes end otherwise we'll be charged up the wazoo.  Thanks a lot, BYUI.  I appreciate it.

Now that the semester has ended, I'm not quite sure what to do with myself.  I mean, things with Cap'n (if you don't follow my twitter account, you should know that I've taken to calling Kirk 'Cap'n') went swimmingly at the end of the semester, but we didn't really get to see each other on account of schedules not lining up and moving out and such, which is a maaaajor bummer.  But hey, he's from relatively close to where I'm from and we're both going home for the break.

We're planning on seeing each other.  I can't believe this small glimmer of hope.  Cap'n might be something genuine.  In the meantime, I'm sick of cleaning, packing, moving, and unpacking.  Oh, and driving.  I'm sick of driving.

Happy seven week break, BYUI!

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