Wednesday, July 18, 2012

What My Mother Taught Me

My mother is the best woman I know.  Not only is she funny and intelligent, but she's also really superb at giving advice.  I can remember many a time in my younger years when she would listen to me moan and groan about my love interest at the time, then she'd tell me what she thought I should do, and then she'd say, "Remember, Leslie, I'm always right."  Crazy thing is, she IS always right!  She must have been blessed with the gift of having a knack for being right because I can't think of a situation in which she was wrong.

One time when I was a teenager I was looking around in some boxes in the garage when I stumbled across a journal.  I peeked it open and discovered that it was my mom's journal from her junior year in high school.  Dude.  My mother got around.  One week she was dating the quarterback, the next week she was making out with a boy from her seminary class.  She kind of reminds me of someone...

Anyway, I haven't talked to my mom much recently, which is a long story not for you to know, but I haven't been able to get her advice on anything I've been doing lately.  Instead I've been talking to my sister about all these guys that have suddenly appeared in my life.  My sister is pretty much a younger version of my mom, so her advice to me, albeit not always right like my mother's, is something I take to heart.

On Jake she said, "You can do better.  He needs to go in the rejection pile."
After Aaron all but disappeared completely she said, "He didn't sound like a good fit anyway.  He was just a fling, forget about him Leslie.  You're better off without him."
About Kirk she's said, "A total keeper!  I love it!"

So yeah, at this point, it's safe to say that I can rule out a couple options completely.  I really hope this seven week break is eventful and not just a big, dateless stretch of time.  Fingers crossed!

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