Saturday, July 20, 2013

Blind Date

Back when Tyson first left on his mission I ended up with an unexpected friendship with one of the other girls he left behind. He had previously dated her yet she was still in love with him and, consequently, I had some pretty bitter feelings for her. But she is such a nice person! There was no way I could dislike her without feeling terrible. Instead of harboring hatred for the girl, we became friends. We had sleepovers and talked all the time, and not just about Tyson.

She ended up getting married less than a year after Tyson left on his mission and now has two children. We don't talk much anymore, but we interact a bit through Facebook and Instagram. She's still super sweet and down to earth.

Last week she asked me if I would go on a blind date with her husband's coworker. I was kind of hesitant, especially since I was seeing Kirk, but I decided to say yes because Kirk hadn't said he wanted to date exclusively. So I went on a blind date.

I haven't been on a double date in a long time. There comes a time after high school when dating gets serious. Instead of following the For The Strength of Youth advice to date in groups and avoid single dating, the tables turn and single dating is the thing to do. You're able to focus better on the one person you're attempting to get to know and it encourages more serious relationship. So, having been on the single date train for quite some time, being on a double date was a little strange.

First of all, when you take a girl out on a blind date, don't you think you should try to get to know her? My date, Craig, didn't seem all that interested in getting to know me. I mean, he asked some basic questions, but he spent more time talking to my friend's husband than he did to me. That's okay, I was fine with catching up with my friend instead. Whatevs.

Secondly, he was kind of weird. He kept telling me about his mega nerdy job, major, and hobbies (Let it be known that I like nerdiness, but this guy was over the TOP nerdy with a little bit of arrogance as well). He seemed way uninterested in me and way into himself. Dude, just relax and let's be on a normal date.

Thirdly, the date lasted FOREVER. It was the weekend before the last week of school and I had homework up to my eyeballs to do. Was I home doing homework? No, I was out on a five hour date with a guy who, apparently, wanted to be on a date with the other dude with us. It took forever for the date to end. I was so bored by the end. When he finally dropped me off he walked me to the door, gave me the most awkward hug ever, and said, "So maybe I'll see you at gradfest?" Uh, yeah. See you there, Craig.

The next day my friend texted me asking what I thought of the date. She said, "Craig said he knows you're both graduating, but he developed a bit of crush on you ;)" Really? A crush on me? I'm pretty sure he doesn't even know me at all. Interesting.

Sorry, dude. You're not my type.

But hey, I went on a blind date!

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