Friday, July 12, 2013

Off Topic: Relief Society

You guys, I've become the stereotypical Relief Society president.

This calling has been SO overwhelming and I've had all sorts of ups and downs and spiritual experiences that I never thought I would have. I don't even know where to begin... My relief society has a lot of girls who struggle with attendance. The first week of the semester we were missing only one girl and I was so excited to have girls who attended relief society. However, ever since then the numbers have steadily declined. Last week we had the presidency and three other girls. A few walked in late, but really? That's ridiculous. There are twenty seven girls and over half of them have missed more than half of the Sundays in relief society this semester. I've been distraught over it.

I've been on my knees praying about what to do, I've tried visits, I've tried callings, I've tried so much to get these girls to want to desire to come to relief society. My mind is constantly weighed down with the thought that these girls, my responsibility, aren't doing what they're supposed to be doing. The bishop and I have counseled multiple times over what to do to help them. I've cried over it. My heart yearns to help these girls gain stronger testimonies and stronger desire to better serve The Lord. Unfortunately there's only so much I can do. I feel defeated.

But you know what? I think I've made a breakthrough. 

I decided that I wanted to hold a relief society breakfast this coming week to encourage the girls to at least make it to an apartment in the morning with the incentive of food rather than going up to campus. I printed out cute invitations, put bows on each of them, and wrote individual notes to each girl in my relief society to invite them to come to this breakfast. I feel so relief society-y. It's kind of terrifying me that this is what I've become. I kind of understand the mindset behind it. Weird...

YOU GUYS. I just dropped off some of the invitations and the girls were so excited. So excited! Do you understand how happy this makes me? It may be the end of the semester, but I think I am finally getting through to some of these girls. I think I have a chance of getting more than half of the girls to relief society. 

I'm nearly in tears. 

I'm such a baby.

The Church is true.


  1. Hi Leslie! So I found your blog yesterday and pretty much read it all! You are a really great writer and you sound like such a nice person ( PMS craziness aside!) I hope that either Kirk steps up, or you smack him down for ridiculous douchebaggery. :) so anyways, I'm an incoming freshman this winter... Is there anything that freshman girls do but really shouldn't? Is it super annoying to older girls when they are confused and nervous (like I'm sure to be)?

    1. Hey girl!Thanks for checking out my blog. I'm glad you've enjoyed it :)

      The number one thing to having a great experience at BYUI is to get involved! There are so many fun ways to be active on campus and off. Get out there and make a ton of friends!

      As far as roommates go, the key is communication. Establish some boundaries and rules at the very beginning of the semester in order to avoid conflict. How are you going to split the cost of dish soap, toilet paper, etc? Are you cool with sharing dishes? That type of thing. As long as you're open and communicative with your roommates, things should be a blast :)
