Friday, July 5, 2013

The End is Near

This semester is going to kill me.

Finals, cleaning, packing, graduating, moving? On top of all that I've got to enjoy the rest of my time with my friends in Rexburg and make time to see Kirk? Hahahaaa, YEAH RIGHT! I foresee a lot of sleepless nights in my future.

Kirk has been talking to me pretty much nonstop since I saw him last week. It's improvement from his previous behavior, but it still hasn't gotten me completely sold that we're going to date. He's still got a long way to go to prove to me he's worth it. It's kind of funny, but every time there's several hours of silence in our text messages I expect that to be it. For example, yesterday was the Fourth of July. I spent the day out with friends enjoying the glorious summer holiday and I didn't hear from Kirk at all. Not a peep the entire day. I was a little bummed, but I kept telling myself, "Well, this is it. This is when Kirk decides he's done and he's going to just stop."

That's the way things go. Not this time. I woke up this morning to a text from him apologizing for not texting yesterday and asking when I was available today. You guys, I can't explain how surprised I am every time those texts appear. I've gotten so used to Kirk falling off the face of the planet that I've come to expect it. It's keeping me surprised and impressed every time he doesn't fail.

It's terrible that I have these low expectations from him, but I can't help it. It's what I need to do in order to not lose myself over him this time. Yikes, it's exhausting.

In the meantime I'm enjoying summertime. A friend of mine wants to set me up on a blind date. I'm not sure I really want to go, but I probably will. The guy she wants to set me up with is a little strange, but it couldn't hurt to go on one date. I'm usually pretty open to a first date with anyone. We'll see what happens. It's slated to happen next weekend.

Three cheers for the end of the semester!

I've almost made it through college!

This song. THIS SONG. It's my jam.

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