Tuesday, March 19, 2013

I suck, and I apologize

I have half a blogpost written about my date with Mike, but I haven't been able to finish it. It's mostly laziness preventing me from getting it posted, but it's partly because I simply can't seem to word anything right in it. Sometimes the flow for a post just comes to me and I can bust it out no problem, other times the post needs to kick around in my brain for a week or two.

Right now my brain is overloaded with the impending end of the semester, especially because I have some big-A projects due within the next week and sometimes I feel like I'm going to DIE from the pressure. Once things slow down and I can breathe and justify not doing anything productive with my time, I'll get back to blogging and I'll blog about Mike.

I haven't forgotten you, Mike. I had fun on the date and I WILL blog about it.

In the meantime, enjoy this awesome tune.

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