Sunday, March 3, 2013

Hunter's Prey

I tweeted this on Friday: "Random dude who was doing maintenance in my apartment today: you were kind of obnoxious but you smelled so good! I'm conflicted"

This random dude actually lives in the guys complex right next to mine and has been hired to be the maintenance guy. No biggie, I don't mind, he had a really cute face and a decent sense of humor. The entire time he was in my apartment fixing my dishwasher he was joking around with me. I was in a pretty good mood, so whatever snark he had to toss at me, I tossed it back. By the time he left, he had gotten my number and he texted me immediately. 

So yeah, Hunter is kind of obnoxious. Kind of funny, but borderline obnoxious. He texted me on Friday night asking me to come over, but I declined. I had plans and I just wasn't feelin' it that night. Last night he texted me again, "Come over. I would like to see you."

Hunter is something else, let me tell you. I met this guy ONE DAY before I went over to his apartment and immediately he was all up in my grill with his arm around me, his face all up in my personal bubble. Not even ten minutes after I got there he was reaching over and tucking my hair behind my ear, grabbing my sides and thigh in attempt to tickle me. Upon finding out I'm not ticklish, he took it upon himself to try and prove me wrong. He touched my collar bone. HE TOUCHED MY COLLAR BONE. Yeah, not a huge deal when I'm dating a guy, but when it's someone I've just met and he pushes my shirt open in order to touch my collar bone, that's a huge no-go. HANDS TO YOSELF, SON!

Not only did this kid violate my collarbone, but he lounged across my lap, requesting a back massage. He asked me to tell him all my secrets. Oh, and have I mentioned that he was speaking in a different accent every five minutes? It was bizarre. I don't remember how it came up, but we started talking about making out and dating. In Hunter's mind you don't have to be dating to make out, but making out always comes with dating. Pretty much NCMO vs Dating, which I can understand, but I disagree with the idea that you have to have made out in order to be dating. He tried really hard to defend his position. He said things like, "C'mon! If she's feeling it and I'm feelin' it, best to just not fight it and to let it happen." "Leslie, just let it happen" I gave him this look that clearly said, "Da Fuuuuhhh???" But he didn't get it. He persisted.

Hunter wanted to make out. The signs were all there, all his roommates were gone, he was going over the top. Eventually I excused myself to go home because I just couldn't handle it any more. I doubt I'll ever go out of my way to see this guy again because it was just 

Men of BYU-Idaho, is this really how you want to get a girl? As much as I don't want to talk about Kirk and what happened with him, at least he dated me before even trying to kiss me. Hunter never even asked me out on a date. If he had asked me out on a date and not acted so desperate, perhaps something would have come of it. Too bad for him.

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