Monday, July 4, 2011

I wasn't quite finished with that...

I threw a party recently.  It was a dance party, I invited everyone and they invited all their friends.  It was one huge mother effing dance party.  As far as the dancing goes, it was pretty tame; all my friends are LDS and don't really do the whole dirty dancing thing.  The most raunch it got was a couple of us girls all dancing up on each other to make the boys drool.  Well, it wasn't really to make them drool, but we know they did anyway.

Daniel showed up, being one of the first times I've seen him in a long time.  We've seen each other at institute and some firesides, but he's been pretty scarce.  It doesn't help that we live a good 25 minutes apart and are in different stakes.  Holy.  Smokes.  I don't know what was done differently, but Daniel looked super good.  He had on an excellent blue shirt and his hair was slightly done, but not overly stuffed with product (Yes, Aiden, it's called Product) and he just looked well put together.   I was slightly dazzled by his ravishingly good looks.

Half way through the party I get a text from Daniel.  Conversation went as follows:

Daniel:  Sigh a man without isn't a man at all
Leslie:  Huh?
Daniel:  Kiss me
Leslie:  Hahaha, you're in a room full of people.
Daniel:  Well that is a shame.  I donno where to go.
Leslie:  Go out in the front yard on the side of the garage

He went, I snuck out the side door in the garage.  He grabbed me, pushed me against the side of the house and kissed me nice and hard.  One kiss turned into several, which ended up being a full on standing make out. I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but Daniel is a really good kisser.  He gives those type of kisses that don't involve so much tongue that you're practically drowning in the other person's saliva, but just the right amount and they last just long enough.  I love kissing him....except when he's trying to stick his hands down my pants.

I'm pretty self conscious about my body (what girl isn't?) and I had just been dancing around a lot, so I was kind of sweaty and Daniel tried to get his hands under my clothes just a little.  Boom, shot down!  I can get scandalous  but I don't let things get crazy.  We only made out for about fifteen minutes before heading back inside.  It was a good fifteen minutes, though.  It kept me busy while Chase decided to vacate the party with some chick.

In a way I feel slightly stupid for allowing myself to give into Daniel's request so easily, but at the same time, we're using each other equally.  We both just want a little lip lovin' and know we enjoy the other.  For the meantime, I can dig it.

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