Wednesday, May 23, 2012

To Date Or Not To Date

I don't think I've posted once all semester about the guys who have been floating around in my life.  Here's the shake down:

Nate:  I've seen him twice since the weekend in Oregon and both times were kind of on accident.  While I'm still into him and would love to see something more blossom there, I'm not going to put forth effort if he isn't doing his part.  Sad, but oh well.

Justin:  He's in my ward and he is a refreshing mixture of gorgeous and awkward.  I don't know what it is about awkward that gets me, but when a guy is awkward but nice and personable, I can't resist.  We spend quite a bit of time together, watching movies, going to Porter Park, doing whatever else comes to mind.  Only thing, my roommate Bethany really likes him.  So Justin is nothing, since I can't be the kind of girl I hate, dominating any male that comes into the picture.  I'm settling with being Bethany's wingman.  Woman.  Wingwoman.  Lemme tell you, I am a fantastic wingwoman.  

Lastly we have Garrison:  He's Justin's roommate and he is also a mixture of good looking and awkward, but it's a different kind than Justin.  Garrison is more obliviously awkward and attractive while Justin is just a nervous talker and completely gorgeous.  We spend almost the same amount of time together as Justin and I do, since they're roommates and we all kind of do everything together.  When we go out and about, he's the one I kinda hang around more.  This past weekend, however, Garrison called me out for not inviting him to a movie night.  It wasn't my fault, really, since Justin usually tells his roommates what we're doing and then we go and do something, I don't even have Garrison's number to tell him about these things.  Well, I didn't have it.  Now I have it, since he insisted that I call or text him next time.  

Really?  I have to text you, attractive boy?  I guess I can, if you insist...

Then he called me and asked me out to dinner last weekend.  Initially I thought it was a casual thing, since he called and asked if both Bethany and I were free that night, but then he said, "I'm going to dinner in IF with Jason, so if you and Bethany or you and another roommate want to go, it'll be a date.  I'll pay for you and everything and Jason will pay for whoever comes with you."  Jason is another roommate of Justin and Garrison's, by the way.

I'm fairly certain my exact reaction to that was, "Hold up, this is a date?"  Smooth, I know.  

Bethany declined joining me on this double date because she thinks Jason is mucho awkward (he is, and not in an attractive way) and she's too in the clouds over Justin.  I knew none of my other roommates would go and Melissa was out with her roommates.  I had to turn down Garrison's offer, even though I really  really really wanted to go.  I don't know why it became my job to find Jason a date, but it was and it ruined my chance at a date with a guy I'm really kind of diggin'.  Bummed.

Boys, don't be lame.  If you want to go on a double date, don't make it her responsibility to find the other dude a date.  And give her more than half an hours notice.  Geeze.

Perhaps in the future Garrison will ask me out again to make up for the date that didn't happen.  

My fate: To be the crazy cat lady


  1. Okay, so I have two opinions...

    1) I've been in the same situation before where my roommate (and best friend) liked the same guy as me. I don't believe in "dibs," though. If you both like the same guy, that's okay--you don't have to be THAT girl that steals the guy and is the worst friend ever, but you also don't have to completely step down either, just because someone else likes him. I mean, what if things could work out with you guys? Marriages last a whole lot longer than friendships do (even if it IS your best friend...).

    2) Bummer about Garrison! Could it have just been a single date?

    Good luck, girl!

    1. Thanks for the well wishes, heaven knows I need it!

      It's been half a semester and I would feel really bad being all up in Justin's grill when Bethany has been diggin' him the whole time and I haven't said anything except that I think he's really good looking. Meh. I'm failing, here.
