Monday, May 14, 2012

Out Of The Comfort Zone

Last Tuesday I was sitting in the Crossroads, just doing some homework before class, when the most gorgeous guy came and sat at the table next to me.  I kid you not, my heart nearly stopped when he caught my eye and smiled.  He was tall, dark, and so very handsome.  He had on a plain white t-shirt and a rad blue watch.  He slouched in his chair, munched on a granola bar (the regular Nature Valley.  I love those), and set out to read his book.  With my heart pounding and my face flushed, I began texting my roommate in feeble attempt to have her help me gain some confidence so I wouldn't let my window of opportunity pass me by.

He sneezed.  I paused my studying to look at him, flash him a smile and say, "Bless you!"  He smiled brightly back and retorted with, "Why thank you very much!"  Despite having already received a lot of encouragement from my roommate, I still hadn't gotten up the nerve to actually talk to him.  She suggested asking what he was reading, commenting on his watch, or simply saying hello and asking his name.  Instead of making a move, I sat there, slowly sinking deeper and deeper into my chair, my heart pounding in my throat.  I can be such a huge chicken in these kinds of situations.

I'm the kind of person who, if an idea crosses my mind, there's a short window of opportunity for taking action.  I have to make a decision within a few minutes and then stick with it.  If I keep playing scenarios in my head of the certain thing happening, that's for sure my answer that I have to do it.  As a result of this attitude, I've done all sorts of things ranging from chopping off all my hair, to bungee jumping, to kissing certain boys that I like (which, by the way 9 out of 10 has gone spectacularly.)  In this case, I could tell by the way my hands were shaking, the way I was talking to my roommate, and the burning in my cheeks that I had already resolved to make some sort of move on this guy, to push my limits and my comfort zone. 

I did.  I struck up a pleasant conversation and we talked until it was time for me to head off to class.  Right as I was leaving I grabbed a scrap of paper and jotted down my number.  I left it with him and told him to call me sometime.  He took the paper, smiled that dazzling smile, and said he would.  He hasn't called and I don't really think he will, but I'm not really torn up about it.  I'm more proud of myself than anything else.  I had the guts, I did it. 

I'm such a boss. 

1 comment:

  1. Like a total boss!! I'm impressed. That's way more than what I would have done. The same thing happened to me in the library--total hottie with the most AMAZING cologne--and all I did was sit there and blog about him. haha.
