Saturday, March 26, 2011

An Introduction: Who am I and what is this Blog?

I started this year thinking,  "This is your year, Leslie!  This is the year you will make money and go back to school and get the guy and you will get your happily ever after!"  That lasted a whopping two weeks.  All my goals and hopes went out the window with a couple crazy turn of events.  I'm sure in the future I'll get into nitty gritty details of how my year isn't going how I planned, but for now here's a little about me.

My name is Leslie, I'm a younger 20-something single Latter-Day Saint girl from California.  Yes, I'm a mormon.  I'm completely active, I attend a great YSA ward, I go to every activity and thoroughly enjoy them.  I really do love the church and everything it has to offer.  I will get married in the temple (some day....) and I will have an eternal marriage; that's pretty much one of my main goals.  I read my scriptures, I pray, I attend institute, I write in a journal.  I do all the Mormony things I'm supposed to do and I do them because I believe the Church is true.  This blog is much less about that and more about the silly things that I, as a young 20-something woman, want.

Let's be honest, there's part of me that just craves  a little lovin'.  Who doesn't enjoy a good mack?  Whether it's someone you've been seeing for a long time and are head over heels for, or someone you just met at a party and are having a good time with, it's fun to lock lips for a while.  This is my place to dish.  This is my place to get all the details out in the open.  Sure, I might approach the line a time or two, I might do things I would never tell my mother about, but that doesn't mean I'm a wild, crazy, law of chastity breaking whore...just a little promiscuous.

Here's my story, my encounters, my heartaches, my dramas, my dates.  All of it. 

EDIT: March 2, 2013

I started this blog almost exactly two years ago. I am not the same girl. I've experienced real heart break, I've done my fair share of making out, and I've had some pretty long dry spells. It's been a roller coaster of a ride. There have been times when I've felt so filled with emotions I thought I would explode. Other times I felt so void of anything I felt no motivation in any aspect of my life.

I've gone from being 21, crushed by Tyson, whoring it up with Daniel, to being 23, reinvigorated with life by Kirk's stupidity, and filled with a determination to be more of the woman I want my future husband to marry. I don't want to be a silly young girl any longer. I have to take what I've learned and put it to good use, put it towards being a better me.

A lot of people ask why I've stuck with the 'Mormon Skank' title if that's not really something I am. In all honesty, it's stuck because that's what I chose when I started this blog and I don't want to go through the process of changing. I've built up a bit of a following and that's how people know me. It's up to me whether or not I'm going to be skanky, I don't have to live up to the title of the blog.

I appreciate all the feedback and encouragement I receive from you guys. It's nice to hear that I'm not just writing to the abyss of the Internet, but what I'm writing actually matters to people. My favorite comments end up being the ones from people saying, "This is what I needed today. Thanks!" It gives me purpose in continue to catalogue my thoughts.

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