Thursday, December 20, 2012

Auld Lang Syne

New Year's Eve is approaching.

When I was a senior in high school I had this boyfriend, Peter, who was super handsome and a complete gentleman. We passed notes between classes and spent our first period class sending really cutesy glances down the row at each other.  Our relationship was fairly brief, but it was for the best, since he wasn't a member and my mother was really afraid I'd fall in love with him and give up the eternal marriage I had been striving for ever since I can remember.

To this day Peter is the only guy I've shared a New Year's kiss with (I don't count my New Year's make out two years ago with Daniel, since it was after midnight) and it was less than stellar.  He brought a friend with him to my friend LeAnna's house and the four of us watched The Sixth Sense.  Something was wrong with the TV so the movie only showed up in shades of red (creepy, considering the movie and the significance of red) so the four of us paired off, myself and Peter, LeAnna and Peter's friend, then spent the entire movie making out insead of watching it.

I can't say there was anything magical about that evening.  Most of it wasn't even memorable so all that's left is a big huge blur of mediocre kisses and a red Bruce Willis.  We probably had some cider, maybe some chocolate covered strawberries.

My most memorable New Year's Eve was spent on the strip in Las Vegas.  I went with a bunch of friends, we rented one hotel room, pushed the beds together, and slept on our sides, packed onto the bed like a bunch of spooning sardines.  We wandered the forum shops, ate at buffets, watched street performers, laughed at the drunken madness that surrounded us...  We split off into pairs for the evening, with the intention of meeting back at Caesar's Palace for the count down.  I was paired off with a guy who we knew from when he served his mission in our singles ward.  Now he was off his mission and one of the gang.  The kid was gorgeous.  He bought us venecian masks and held my hand as we watched the Bellagio fountains dance.  It was romantic, but still pretty platonic.  We didn't find the rest of our group, instead we counted down together and cheered.  There was no kiss at midnight, but I wasn't disappointed.  It was the best New Year's Eve I've ever had.

I hope this New Year's Eve is memorable, with or without a New Year's kiss.

1 comment:

  1. I think kisses can be overrated. Nights in Vegas, however, are a totally different story!
